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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/24/11 Politician VS. Prophet (Amos 7:10-17) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1112_web.pdf
04/17/11 That's One, That's Two, That's Three (Amos 7:1-9) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1111_web.pdf
04/10/11 King Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1110_web.pdf
04/03/11 Fishing Without A Hook (Matthew 9:35-38) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1109_web.pdf
03/27/11 Temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1108_web.pdf
03/20/11 How We Got The Bible (Part 5): Translations Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1107-translations.pdf
03/13/11 How We Got The Bible (Part 4): The Canon Of Scripture Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1106-thecanonofscripture.pdf
03/06/11 How We Got The Bible (Part 3): Are The Manuscripts Reliable? Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1105-arethemanuscriptsreliable.pdf
02/27/11 How We Got The Bible (Part 2): The Writing Of Ancient Books Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1104-thewritingofancientbooks.pdf
02/20/11 How We Got The Bible (Part 1): The Written Word Of God Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1103-thewrittenwordofgod.pdf
02/13/11 Be Strong And Courageous (Joshua 1:1-9) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 021311-bestrongandcourageous_joshua11-9-baxterexum.pdf
02/06/11 Super Bowl (Romans 12:1-2) - Reid Wilson Reid Wilson Sermon N/A Sun AM
01/23/11 Knock, Knock (Revelation 3:14-22) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 012311-knockknock-revelation3_14-22-baxterexum.pdf
01/16/11 Predestination Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 011611-predestination-baxterexum.pdf
01/09/11 The Standing Orders Of The Gospel (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 010911-thestandingorderofthegospel-baxterexum.pdf
01/02/11 No Compromise (Daniel 1) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 010211-nocompromise-daniel1.pdf
12/26/10 Repentance (Acts 17:30-31) by Don Schmudlach Don Schmudlach Sermon N/A Sun AM
12/19/10 The Faith That Won't Quit (Matthew 15:21-28) by John Higgins John Higgins Sermon N/A Sun AM
12/05/10 The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb (Revelation 19:6-10) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 120510-themarriagesupperofthelamb.pdf
11/28/10 Barnabas: Son of Encouragement (Acts 9:23-31) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1094_web.pdf
11/21/10 A Song On The Way To Zion (Psalm 125) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1093_web.pdf
11/14/10 Getting Along (Colossians 3:12-14) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1092_web.pdf
11/07/10 Words Matter (Matthew 12:33-37) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1091-wordsmatter.pdf
10/24/10 The Virgin Birth (Matthew 1:18-25) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM
10/17/10 The Kindness And Severity Of God (Romans 11:17-22) Baxter Exum Sermon N/A Sun AM 1088_web.pdf

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